Morris Chapter

What do we do?

We teach sailing to the public. Our classes include sailing instruction in classroom sessions and water sessions with Sunfish-type boats on Budd Lake. All members can enjoy participating in the water sessions, and some members become certified instructors in order to teach.

We charter yachts and cruise. We cruise on domestic bodies of water such as Long Island Sound and the Chesapeake Bay, and on foreign waters such as the Caribbean Sea. We usually cruise on domestic waters on holiday weekends and a few other weekends as well, and we usually cruise for a week in the Caribbean every year. We sailed from Martinique to Guadeloupe this year, and we will sail from Antigua to St. Martin next year. All members can participate in the cruises, and some members become SEAS Skippers to skipper the boats.

We develop the sailing skills of our members. We have open sail days on Budd Lake for members to sail the boats in our fleet. We sponsor races on Budd Lake, and we participate in races sponsored by other SEAS chapters. We teach short courses on Budd Lake, such as handling a day sailor sloop and flying the spinnaker, and teach basic and advanced cruising courses comprising classroom sessions and weekend cruises. We also have one-night and short courses on topics such as weather, sail trim and navigation.

We have meetings every first Wednesday of the month. The programs span a wide spectrum, and can include presentations, discussion of upcoming events, and just plain social interaction. Parsippany Library at 7:30pm.

We have parties. We have cookouts to welcome recent graduates and to celebrate special events such as completing the major cruise. We have informal get-togethers to kick-off major cruises and discuss itinerary, customs and sights at destinations, etc. We have a dinner dance annually to install new officers and present awards for outstanding (or outrageous) achievement.

How do you join?

You must have basic competence in sailing. A graduate of the SEAS course is eligible; others can present documentation of passing a similar course or can demonstrate sailing skills, usually at a water session at Budd Lake.

The annual dues are $40.

Any member will put you in contact with the New Members chairperson. Or contact: SEAS Morris, PO Box 355, Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07834.    (864) 962-7327.

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